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A time for added caution, don't make Halloween scarier than it has to be.

As Trick-or-Treating approaches, please review the CDC and IDPH guidelines and recommendations. For those who are opting out of Trick-or-Treating these links also have ideas for alternative celebrations. If you do decide to hand out candy or travel door to door here is what is recommended from the IDPH link above:

Neighborhood trick-or-treating

1) As an alternative to door-to-door trick-or-treating, anyone who would like to distribute treats should leave individually wrapped candy or treats on a table, on their front walkways, sidewalks, or any outdoor space that allows for at least 6 feet of social distance from the door. The individually wrapped candy should be spread out so each piece is not touching another. Anyone distributing candy or treats should wash their hands properly for at least 20 seconds before placing the candy on the table and when replenishing.

2) All individuals participating in trick-or-treating, including those passing out candy should maintain social distance of least 6 feet and wear proper face coverings. A costume mask, such as those worn for Halloween, is not a substitute for a face covering. If face coverings are worn under costume masks, please ensure this does not create breathing problems, and if so, discard the costume mask.

3) Only household members should trick-or-treat together, and they should maintain 6-feet social distance from other trick-or-treaters at all times. Mixed household trick-or-treaters are discouraged.

4) Alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be carried and used frequently.

5) Candy collected during trick-or-treating should not be consumed until after handwashing. As always, a parent/guardian should check all candy to make sure it is wrapped and should discard unwrapped candy.

6) And, of course, practice good dental hygiene as well.

7) Outdoor areas are preferred for trick-or-treating. Enclosed indoor areas, like apartment buildings, present greater risk of transmission. Open doors and windows as appropriate to promote increased ventilation.

Trick-or-Treating is from 5 pm to 8 pm on October 31st, in the City of Elmwood.

Please use caution, follow guidelines, and be safe.



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