Golf Cart, ATV, UTV Inspections (scroll down for spring leaf info and burning information)

Please contact the City of Elmwood at 742-2351 to make an appointment for your annual Golf Cart, UTV and ATV Inspection. Permits expire April 30th of every year.
The Golf Cart/UTV/ATV Ordinance requires vehicles to have head lights, tail lights, turning signals, rear-view mirror, slow moving vehicle emblem, proof of insurance and valid driver's license. The registration allows for use of said vehicles on City of Elmwood streets only and crossing over state routes only. Per the IL state statutes, you are not allowed to ride on state routes.
Elmwood City Code:
ARTICLE IX – NON-HIGHWAY VEHICLES 24-9-1 DEFINITIONS. (A) “Golf Cart” means a vehicle specifically designed and intended for the purpose of transporting one or more persons and their golf clubs or maintenance equipment while engaged in the playing of golf, supervising the play of golf or maintaining the condition of the grounds on a public or private golf course. (625 ILCS 5/1-123.9) (B) “Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV)” means any motorized off-highway device designed to travel primarily off-highway, sixty-four (64) inches or less in width, having a manufacturer’s dry weight of two thousand (2,000) pounds or less, traveling on four (4) or more non-highway tires, designed with a non-straddle seat and a steering wheel for steering control, except equipment such as lawnmowers. (625 ILCS 5/1-168.8) (C) “All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV)” means any motorized off-highway device designed to travel primarily off-highway, fifty (50) inches or less in width, having a manufacturer’s dry weight of one thousand five hundred (1,500) pounds of less, traveling on three (3) or more non-highway tires, designed with a seat or saddle for operator use, and handlebars or steering wheel for steering control, except equipment such as lawnmowers. (625 ILCS 5/1-101.8) (D) “City Streets” means streets within the boundaries of and under the jurisdiction of the City of Elmwood, Illinois. (E) “State Roads” means Illinois Route 8 and Illinois Route 78. 24-9-2 GOLF CARTS AND UTVs PERMITTED. The operation of golf carts, ATVs, and UTVs shall be permitted on the City Streets as set forth in this Article. Golf carts, ATVs, and UTVs shall only be permitted to make direct crossings upon or across State Roads as set forth in Section 11-1426.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/11-1426.1) when such State Road is at an intersection with another public street, road or highway. (Ord. No. 2016-11; 09-06-16) 24-9-3 RESERVED. (Ord. No. 2016-11; 09-06-16) 24-9-4 COMPLIANCE WITH ILLINOIS VEHICLE CODE AND ELMWOOD MOTOR VEHICLE CODE. The operation of golf carts, UTVs and/or ATVs in the City shall be in accordance with all provisions of Chapter 24 of the Motor Vehicle Code of the City of Elmwood and the Illinois Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/1-100 et seq.), including without limitation Section 11-1426.1 thereof (625 ILCS 5/11-1426.1). All golf carts, UTVs and ATVs must have, at a minimum, the equipment and other items set forth in Section 11-1426.1(e) of the Illinois Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/11-1426.1(e)), which requires such vehicles have: brakes, a steering apparatus, tires, a rearview mirror, red reflectorized warning devices in the front and rear, a slow moving emblem (as required of other vehicles in Section 12-709 of the Illinois Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/12-709) on the rear of the vehicle, a headlight that emits a white light visible from a distance of five hundred (500) feet to the front, a tail lamp that emits a red light visible from at least one hundred (100) feet from the rear, brake lights, turn signals, and any additional requirements which may be required by amendments to ILCS 5/11-1426.1(e) or the Illinois Motor Vehicle Code. MOTOR VEHICLE CODE 24-9-5 40-253 [Supplement No. 26; 12-01-18] 24-9-5 PERMITS. No person shall operate a golf cart, UTV or ATV within the City without first obtaining a permit, or being listed as an additional operator under a permit, as provided herein. Permits shall expire on April 30th of each year and will not be prorated. The cost of the permit for golf carts, ATVs, and UTVs shall be Fifty Dollars ($50.00). Applications for a permit shall be made on a form supplied by the City, shall be executed by the applicant and each additional operator and shall contain the following: (A) Name and address of applicant; (B) Name of liability insurance carrier and policy number; (C) The serial number, make, model and description of golf cart, UTV or ATV; (D) Waiver of liability; and, (E) Such other information as the City may require. No permit shall be granted unless the following conditions are met: (A) The vehicle must be inspected and approved by the City police department; (B) A physically handicapped applicant or operator must submit a certificate signed by a physician, certifying that the applicant is able to safely operate a golf cart, UTV, or ATV on City Streets; (C) The applicant must provide evidence of insurance in compliance with the provisions of the Illinois Compiled Statutes regarding minimum liability insurance for passenger motor vehicles to be operated on the roads of the State of Illinois; and (D) The applicant must provide a copy of his or her valid driver’s license. (Ord. No. 2016-11; 09-06-16) 24-9-6 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. The following requirements shall apply to the operation of golf carts, UTVs and ATVs within the City: (A) The applicant and all operators must be at least sixteen (16) years old with a valid driver’s license; and, (B) A city decal evidencing that a permit has been obtained shall be displayed on a rear panel or bumper of the vehicle. (Ord. NO. 2015-13; 09-15-15) 24-9-7 VIOLATIONS. Any person who violates the provisions of the Article shall be subject to revocation of permit or non-renewal of permit at the discretion of the City Council and/or a monetary fine of not less than Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) nor more than Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). 24-9-8 IMPOUNDMENT. Golf carts UTVs and ATVs shall be subject to impoundment to the same extent as vehicles as set forth in Article VIII, Impoundment of Vehicles, of Chapter 24 - Motor Vehicle Code of the Revised Code of the City of Elmwood.
Hello All, as you clean up your yards this spring please note that the street department will NOT be picking up leaves this spring. Please do not rake your leaves into the street. If you have placed leaves in the street please clean them up. The City Dump at Sweet Water Park is open for yard waste only. Burning is allowed under certain conditions, please read restrictions. Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.
Elmwood City Code 25-5-3 RESTRICTIONS ON BURNING OF LANDSCAPE WASTE. The open burning of landscape waste shall be permitted only on the following conditions: (A) Landscape waste shall be burned on the premises on which such waste is generated; and (B) Landscape waste shall be burned only when atmospheric conditions shall readily dissipate contaminants; and, (C) Landscape waste may be burned only if such burning does not create a visibility hazard on roadways, walkways, or railroad tracks; and, (D) Open burning of landscape waste may only take place during daylight hours with a person over eighteen (18) years of age in attendance during the entire period of burning; and, (E) No open burning of landscape waste shall be permitted on any streets or roadways; and, (F) No open burning shall occur during periods of time when the Fire Chief or the Chief of Police have determined that atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous and dangerous. (G) Such burning may be ignited or fueled using paper or cardboard.
Please Use Extreme Caution When Burning.